Anonymous wrote:

> So maybe the thing to do is the following:
> Open an e-gold account, anonymously (or under a fake name, they sort of
> allow this).  This will be the mint account.
> Let people put funds into the system by getting them into e-gold then
> transferring into the mint.
> Run an anonymous ecash server which does withdrawals and deposits into
> the mint account, from behind

This would currently be a bad idea.  E-Gold apparently has an
ill-articulated policy of "freezing" accounts containing "funds that appear
to be tainted by crime."  They have so far refused to say what they do with
the gold in frozen accounts, although I have Ian Grigg's assurance it is
fair and reasonable.

Given the possible uses for anonymous e-cash, the risk that e-gold would do
something unpleasant to the  anonymous mint account seems unreasonably
large, at least until e-gold formalizes its policies in this regard.  I'm
not holding my breath, as there seems to be some (IMO misguided) sentiment
for keeping the policy secret to avoid having people try to game the system.

Hints have gone by on the e-gold list that there may be plans for an
electronic bearer currency backed in part by e-gold, but I don't know what
minting arrangements will be made or when we will see useable product.  If
it's electronic, and truly bearer, anonymity should follow fairly trivially
even if not built into the system.  Ian may know more -- the e-gold list has
contained hints that he's involved in the project.

-- Daniel

The Law Office of Daniel J. Boone
704 West 11th Street
Juneau, Alaska  99801
(907) 723-9902
"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe when the
legislature is in session."  -- Judge Gideon Tucker

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