At 10:28 PM -0800 3/30/00, Bill Stewart wrote:
>At 02:22 PM 03/20/2000 -0600, Tracey Levin wrote:
>>The Constitution empowers the government to count the number of
>>Americans, but it does not give it the power to ask any number of
>>questions and threaten the citizens if they do not answer them.  That is
>>typical of the wacko left that is in power only for a few more months.
>This census is about the same as the Reagan/Bush Presidency's census.
>The differences between then and now are primarily which racial
>and ethnic groups are being targeted for "enhanced collection"
>and what the politically correct terms are to describe them with,
>though you get to pick more than one ethnic group for them to
>discriminate against you for.  ("Oh, he's a Cuban/Jamaican -
>we can deport him _twice_, and maybe drug-profile him also!")
>I don't know if the Long Even More Intrusive Version asks about
>Internet access or cable TV as well as how many bathrooms and telephones
>you've got, but the 2010 version will unless it gets stomped
>(or unless they can collect that information more easily from Doubleclick.)

And which ethnic communities they send lots of human 
investigators/workers into. The minority (a misnomer, as whites are 
now the minority in many places) communities are up in arms that so 
many census workers are fanning out in their neighborhoods, fearing 
that they're going to be rounded up and shipped back to Guatemala and 
Honduras, but they've got it all wrong: the census workers are being 
deployed to minority neighborhoods to get the minority count up. More 
minorities means more gravy from the  Massah in the Big White 
Plantation House.

Counting white people is....uninteresting.

(I'll be called a racist by our usual Anonymous poster, but I don't 
fucking care. The U.S. government is a toilet of special interest 
groups, chief among them the so-called "minority communities." 
Incineration is too good for most of these rodents.)

--Tim May

Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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