I looked at the census forms on the Feds' web site.
They don't have the exact versions, and it's hard to
navigate through the file-your-census-online pages
if you don't have a real paper form with the magic numbers on it,
but it's close enough to get the general idea.

The Long Form does ask white people what kind of white they are,
as well as lots of tax-related information like income and 
occupation and housing details.   Also, knowing what kind of
white people we have is useful for planning the next war in Albania.

There's a blatantly dishonest brochure on census privacy -
        Publication D-3238 (7/98)
It proudly proclaims the Census Department's "unbroken record"
of protecting privacy of census records for 150+ years,
and gives a bunch of examples, from the 1950s, 1960s, and newer.
NOT from the 1940s, when the Census helped the Army find Japanese.

Given that they're clearly acting in bad faith,
and lying about their use of the data they collect,
there's no way I'm giving them more than the number of people
in my household plus a 5th Amendment rant.  
(Unfortunately, there's no box for "decline to state".)

The current propaganda on minority identification is about pride,
and about getting more money from Washington, and the burons
who get influence by having minorities to give money to
will certainly do so, just as every other fiefdom and constitutency
in the Civil Service and Military will take advantage of ways
they can get more money.  After the Census is done, though,
anybody in government can get the data for any purpose they want;
at best it's protected only to the census-tract level,
so the people who get their influence by attacking immigrants
will get their turn.  The INS wins both ways - if there are more
non-white foreigner-origin people, they get more funding
and also get to find out where they live.

At 12:18 AM 03/31/2000 -0800, Tim May wrote:
>At 10:28 PM -0800 3/30/00, Bill Stewart wrote:
>>I don't know if the Long Even More Intrusive Version asks about
>>Internet access or cable TV as well as how many bathrooms and telephones
>>you've got, but the 2010 version will unless it gets stomped
>>(or unless they can collect that information more easily from Doubleclick.)

>And which ethnic communities they send lots of human 
>investigators/workers into. The minority (a misnomer, as whites are 
>now the minority in many places) communities are up in arms that so 
>many census workers are fanning out in their neighborhoods, fearing 
>that they're going to be rounded up and shipped back to Guatemala and 
>Honduras, but they've got it all wrong: the census workers are being 
>deployed to minority neighborhoods to get the minority count up. More 
>minorities means more gravy from the  Massah in the Big White 
>Plantation House.
>Counting white people is....uninteresting.

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