TOKYO, March 10, 2000-----Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) 
and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Mitsubishi) announced today their joint 
development of "Camellia," a next-generation symmetric-key encryption 
algorithm (*1).

Next-generation symmetric-key encryption algorithms with high security and 
efficiency on various platforms are indispensable for ensuring the secrecy 
of corporate and individual private information in the advanced information 

The new next-generation encryption algorithm Camellia is a symmetric-key 
encryption algorithm with a block size (*2) of 128 bits. It was developed by 
NTT and Mitsubishi using NTT's cipher design technologies geared to high 
speed software implementation, Mitsubishi's cipher design technologies for 
compact and high-speed hardware implementation, and state-of-the-art 
security evaluation technologies of both companies.

Camellia was designed to ensure security in usage for more than 20 years and 
to provide high speed in software and hardware implementation as well as 
compactness of hardware chips. Camellia therefore provides world's highest 
level performance in terms of efficiency and practicality on various 

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