Microsoft is not interested in innovation or competition. If Bill 
Gates could get the DOJ to declare MS the sol legal OS in the US, 
he'd do so.

BUT...nothing about capitalism says "Companies must love the thought 
of competition". It says "Companies must not be able to use force or 
fraud to prevent competition". The role of government in securing the 
'free market', such as it is, is to make sure there are no barriers 
to entry which large corporations can meet which small ones cannot, 
that there are no odious regulations which can prevent a company from 
starting up of which can artificially limit it, that no government 
agency shall be required to purchase products only from one supplier, 
that there are no laws restricting the free flow of labor and capital 
into or out of the nation, etc, etc, etc.

IOW - the role of government is to enforce contracts, prosecute 
fraud, and otherwise stay the hell out of the way.

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