At 3:26 AM -0700 7/11/00, Patrick Henry wrote:
>Ok, I'm not comfortable arguing with the Great White Guru, but here goes.  I
>said that the spam problem was a true test of a minarchist society.  You said
>that it was not a true test of a minarchist society because we still have
>government laws hanging over our head.

I don't think I said this. I said that a list like ours is like a 
party: whether a party (or a list) deals well with boorish guests and 
is a success or a failure says precisely _nothing_ about the success 
or failure of "minarchism."

BTW, I didn't say such parties or lists are not minarchist. In fact, 
they are pretty clearly examples of anarchist systems. And anarchy is 
beyond even minarchy.

>I asked what you would do differently if
>there were no laws.  You then gave me a number of list management techniques
>which have been discussed here in the past (and which I have read 
>over and over
>until I was blue in the face).  But these techniques do not require the
>suspension of current law to implement.  Again, I ask you, how would 
>you manage
>the list differently if our current government disappeared?  I know 
>your answer
>already: kill me and all the other obtuse list members. :)

For all intents and purposes, the Cypherpunks list has nothing to do 
with government or laws. Just like with a party, where the host is 
free to kick people out he doesn't like, or to serve green punch in 
triangular glasses, or to insist that only Pig Latin be spoken. 
Government has nothing to do with such things.

Likewise, government is not involved, nor should it be, in how list 
owners manage their property.

You don't seem to "get it."

I give up.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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