On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Tim May wrote:

> >At 9:59 PM -0400 7/22/00, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
> >On the contrary, I thought her post was quite informative. You seem to
> >have confused impartial reporting with sympathy. Just because she didn't
> >do the "Tim May style racist call for action" like so many of the poor
> >saps on this list are used to seeing, does not mean that what she said
> >wasn't of great importance.
> Fuck off.
> I'm putting you in my action list.

What exactly is your action list?
> >
> >Is Aum Shinrikyo manifest evil? Certainly to many people the faction that
> >organized the sarin attack was. (And the ones that were interested in
> >Ebola, if that story is to be believed -- Kristen's post was the first I
> >had heard of that -- are simply insane.
> You are ill-informed if you hadn't been following their actions.
> As to "simply insane," terrorism often works, and works cheaply and 
> swiftly. It's the future of warfare. And some wars are necessary. 
> Q.E.D.

You are right in your points about terrorism. You are right that some
wars are necessary. My point was simply that I really don't think that a
filovirus is suitable for terrorism. Ebola is too difficult to

I would interpret an engineered outbreak of Ebola to be more of an
apocalyptic act, and not a terroristic one. Infect a few subway cars full
of people, and soon you have city-wide outbreak of a very deadly
disease. Infect the right subway stations, and you might have a
country-wide outbreak. Infect the right airports, and you could have a
global outbreak.

> >There is no concrete evidence that the nerve gassings were a *sanctioned*
> >Aum activity.
> You're talking out of your ass here. Read up on the Aum S. group 
> before speculating further.

I intend to. But it was my understanding that the only "proof" that
Asahara sanctioned the gassings hinged on the testamony of the two
terrorists at trial. Am I wrong?

Also, please note the next paragraph in my email:

>Do I believe this? No. Does the PSIA believe it? Obviously not.

I've never been a fan of lone gunmen theories. But I am unwilling to
condem a group of people for actions for which the majority may not have
been responsible. I require proof before I will unilaterally declare that
members of a group such as Aleph no longer have the right to basic things
such as privacy, freedom, and education.

- -MW-

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