At 10:24 09/19/2000 -0500, Anonymous Coward vomited:

>       Hey, Retardo -- when did you ever check? If you had, you'd know
>that you can't reply to anon remailers. Try replying to this, you clueless
>shit. Now shut the fuck up about this bullshit, we're all tired of the
>subject, and if you can't be bothered to check the archives, get the fuck
>off the list.

Actually asshole, there are plenty of anonymous remailers that DO let you 
reply to the originator.  In case you're just a bit wet behind the ears yet 
and hadn't heard, a while back there was a big problem with one of them 
when the government ordered them to release their database mapping the 
pseudonyms back to the originators.

Clueless?  Far from it.

How about this.. you shut your own ignorant ass before you make a bigger 
fool of yourself than you already have, and try and fucking consider for 
one second how you manage to sort through a hundred fucking spam messages a 
day sent to this list, and yet you apparently don't have the mental 
facility to delete my own messages if you find them so useless.  It's 
pretty simple for you to add me to the killfile, why don't you do it?  I 
could personally give a shit if you never read anything more I have to 
say.  Have fun filtering the spam.

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PGP Key Fingerprint:
446B 7718 B219 9F1E 43DD  8E4A 6BE9 D739 CCC5 7FD7

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