Right. While I feel some sense of moral obligation to feel compassion
for victims of genocide in Africa, the reality is that traffic in
downtown Washington affects me more.

To paraphrase:

One person dying is a tragedy
One million dying is a statistic
One billion lost in NASDAQ value is a serious bummer


On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 01:25:52PM +0200, Tom Vogt wrote:
> > 
> > Typical of May to wish that  those who he hates  be nuked, but please don'tt
> > let it  effect his portfolio.
> > 
> so? in that respect he's a great relief from all the "houlier than thou"
> "for the chiiildren" pseudo-moralists.
> in the end, nobody cares if he's not affected. the effect may be
> emotional.

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