While I'm not going to go out on a limb to defend any of Tim's
statements, I will say that calling him an anti semite is bullshit. 
There is a mentality that equates any criticism of Israel or the
Israelis with anti semiticism.  This is an ugly vile and manipulative
way of dealing with one's political enemies.  If I criticize Britain or
the British government have I criticized its people ? OF course not.

Fucking A, what the hell is running loose in people's minds.  Israel is
no more immune from criticism than Iraq, India, or any of the other tin
pot nations in the Third World, or in the First world for that matter. 
There is nothing sacred about Israel to a goy so we goys reserve the
right to criticize it.  If I criticize the Saudis am I anti Islamic ? 
Or anti Semitic, for that matter, considering that Arabs are at least
just as much Semitic as Polish immigrants...

Tim has a right to say whatsofucking ever he wishes to sya, and he
exercises this right frequently.  In doing so he alienates Blacks, Jews,
Arabs, and little (or big for that matter) Chinese.  Such is Tim's
*right*. if a particular statement of his stings then its probably
because it has some freeeking truth behind it...

>"Remember, children of Israel, "Eretz Israel" is not the same thing 
>as "lebensraum," and the suppression of the ragheads in Eretz Israel 
>is merely pest eradication, not the "Final Solution." War is peace, 
>freedom is slavery, and Zionists are libertarians."

To repeat again, there is nothing fucking anti Semitic about this
statement, Eretz Israel is the same thing as lebensraum, and if you are
incapable of seeing this then feel free to shove the previous statement
up your ass.

 "I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice
 violence, I would advise violence" - Mahatma Gandhi

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