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On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 12:41:49AM -0700, Rev. Parker Bright wrote:
> If you truly believe this why not take a hint from Camus and kill yourself.
> You could one, lose nothing due to inherent lack of value, two, exercise 
> the one undeniable right, three, the secession of personal pain and four, 
> free up resources to reduce the pain of others.
> Not taking shots, just offering options.

I've thought about it many times.  I guess the reason I haven't is
that, every once in a while, I actually do have fun.

> Rev. PHB
> I like to hold the door open for people approaching the
> door behind me, especially when they're really far behind
> and they have to hustle so as not to leave me standing there.
> Then I get to hear those stupid polite bastards thank me,
> when all I did was make them run.
>                         - Jonathan Colan
- --
Nathan Saper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | http://www.well.com/user/natedog/
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