On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 05:15:06PM -0700, Nathan Saper wrote, quoting me:
> > For instance, what are the economic effects? 
> Again, it depends on the economic framework under which we are operating.

Nope. You don't get it. Economics is in part hte study of people
acting in their own rational self-interest, which can't be denied by
government fiat.

> > What are the
> > black markets that arise?  
> I don't know, what black markets would arise?  If people were housed,
> clothed, fed, etc, then most would still have plenty of disposable
> income to buy what they wanted.

Are you clueless? You were talking in this hypothetical about a tax
rate of 95 percent. That's not a whole lot of disposable income to buy
widescreen TVs.

> I'm not sure.  However, if all housing and food was provided by the
> government, and not paying your appropriate level of taxes removed
> your entitlement to said housing and food, then I'd think most people
> would pay their taxes.

Have you ever looked at government housing? If I could escape it and
my tax obligations by the simple expedient of deciding not to pay, I
would. You've just made taxes voluntary, twit. 


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