On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 08:51:03AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> Nader is getting a late start in the enthusiasm stakes, but it could 
> be that he'll really surge. A lot of folks are mired deeply in what 
> Nietzsche called "resentiment." They just don't like it when other 
> people have done well by investing instead of by drinking beer for 
> the past 20 years, and they want the successful people taken down a 
> notch or two.

Ironically, Nader himself is a millionaire, apparently as a result
of the investments he's made over the past 20-30 years and his
spendthrift lifestyle. Good for him - but it makes me wonder where
he'd draw the line between "wealth that's deserved" and "wealth that's
not deserved."  

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