On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Tim May wrote:

>>no matter how good you are.  You can get rich enough to live off your
>>investments, sure -- but reaching the billionaire league is a multi-
>>generational project.
>This is not true. Most billionaires in the United States did it in a 
>single generation. On the Fortune list of billionaires, most made the 
>money by starting companies. Only a handful are heirs.

Most of them come from well-to-do families rather than filthy 
rich families, that's true.  But few or none come from blue 
collar or really poor families.  Besides, my goal isn't having 
a one-percent chance of becoming a billionaire; the people you're 
pointing at rode the venture capital rocket, and for each of the 
one-generation people on that list, ninety-nine others went flat 
broke and deep into debt trying to do the same thing.  The multi-
generational plan I have in mind is building up by investment 
and hard work, not by riding the crash-prone venture capital 

>Nothing wrong with indentured servitude. You can read some pieces I 
>wrote about this many years ago, circa '93-94. The archives should 
>have them.

Where are all of the archives?  I have only found the ones on 
venona, and they are incomplete.


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