Warren Christopher, the arbiter of truth? Right...


On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 05:24:53PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Jim Burnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> #    I could stomach 'might be illegal', but illegal?
> Warren Christopher was just on TV, calling the ballot illegal.
> Let's leave it at that until a court decides.
> ----
> Spooky Cypherpunk Niggar Tim May Moroned:
> #    And, of course, Palm County will _not_ be given a
> #    second chance to vote in this election. I guarantee it.
> It's either that or the choice you liked even less.
> Protest crowds are growing. Bush can't take office
> when half the country thinks people were screwed
> out of their vote to have that happen.
> Not in America, buddy.
> And your hallucinatory Truck O' Dynamite will never change that.
> ----
> Declan, King of the Wired, wrote:
> #    Amusing. But that's a suggested ballot, and not one
> #    that's legally required. Which was my point.
> But the _directions_ were not "sample" directions.
> ----
> Florida is now saying it won't be until Nov 17th
> until they can certify the vote. Bush's lead is
> now only 359.
> Federal investigators are looking into U.S.P.O. funny business
> at one unnamed office.

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