This is interesting: an unsuccessful lawsuit can mean Gore wins!


#    Dec. 18, the day that presidential electors are to meet in 50
#    state capitals and the District of Columbia, may produce a
#    political crisis if Florida's 25 votes are still in dispute.
#    But the crisis will not be constitutional, scholars say, for
#    the Constitution enables a president to be chosen even if a big
#    state like Florida does not vote.
#    The Constitution requires only that a winning candidate have
#    the votes of "a majority of the whole number of electors
#    appointed." If Florida's votes are not resolved by then, or if
#    a legal restraining order bars Gov. Jeb Bush from filing a
#    certificate listing Florida's electors, then Mr. Gore has enough
#    votes from other states, if current vote totals stand and if
#    his electors keep their pledges, to reach a majority of the 513
#    electors actually appointed.
#    In either of those cases, or if either Mr. Gore or Mr. Bush gets
#    Florida's votes, the House of Representatives would have no role
#    in choosing a president, other than to participate in a Jan.
#    6 ceremonial counting of the votes in a joint session with the
#    Senate.

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