On Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 04:22:21PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> At 7:05 PM -0500 11/9/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >James "too damn bad about the 19,000" Baker
> >ain't no piece of cake either, FYI.
> He's right about the "19,000 spoiled ballots." Four years ago there 
> were 16,000 spoiled ballots in the same district, and that was with 
> lower overall turnout.

Right. See below.


> November 9, 2000 Tucker
> or Dan Bartlett
> Statement by Bush/Cheney Spokesman Ari Fleischer on Palm Beach County:
> "New information has come to our attention that puts in perspective the
> results of the vote in Palm Beach County.   Palm Beach County is a Pat
> Buchanan stronghold and that's why Pat Buchanan received 3407 votes
> there. 
> According to the Florida Department of State, 16,695 voters in Palm
> Beach County are registered to the Independent Party, the Reform Party,
> or the American Reform Party, an increase of 110% since the 1996
> presidential election.  Throughout the rest of Florida, the registration
> increase for these parties was roughly 38%.  In contrast, in neighboring
> Broward County, only 476 voters are registered to these parties.
> In addition, in the 1996 presidential election, 14,872 ballots were
> invalidated for double counting in Palm Beach County, a figure
> comparable to the number of ballots dismissed this year, considering
> this year's higher turn out.
> Given these facts, what happened on Election Night in Palm Beach County
> - a county whose elections are run by a Democrat - is an understandable
> event.  The Democrats who are politicizing and distorting these routine
> and predictable events risk doing our democracy a disservice.  
> Throughout this process, it's important that no party to this election
> act in a precipitous manner or distort an existing voting pattern in an
> effort to misinform the public.  Our nation will be best served by a
> responsible approach to this recount.  This recount will be watched
> around the world.  Its outcome should not only serve as a testament to
> the strength of our democracy, but also a reflection of how each
> candidate deals with a matter of the utmost national importance.  
> We remain confident that Governor Bush will win Florida and become the
> elected President of the United States."
> Paid for by Bush-Cheney 2000, Inc.

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