** CONFIRMED: India pledges support for Assad after meeting in Damascus
By Alexander Mercouris on Aug 22, 2016 12:24 pm

That the story of the Syrian conflict is clouded by a fog of
misperception is today almost a commonplace.  The recent visit of a
strong Indian delegation to Syria headed by the Indian Foreign Minister
shows one other way in which this is true.

The way the Syrian conflict is regularly represented in the West is of a
Syrian government that has lost the support of the ‘international
community’ save for its allies Russia, Iran and China.

This has never been true.  The structure of the UN Security Council
means that the US can normally rely on a majority there, and within the
Arab world the Gulf Arab states led by the two Wahhabi monarchies Saudi
Arabia and Qatar have been been able to rally the Arab League against
Syria.  However in the world as a whole the conflict is perceived very
differently, not as some sort of Manichean struggle between good and
evil, but rather as a geopolitical conflict and as part of a broader
struggle against Jihadi terrorism.

The Indian government has been as outspoken a supporter of the Syrian
government as the Chinese and Russian governments have been.  More so in
some ways since like China but unlike Russia India is not involved in
the diplomacy of the Syrian conflict and does not therefore have to take
even a theoretical position that President Assad’s future should be
eventually decided by the Syrian people.

As the very cordial meeting (http://sana.sy/en/?p=85864) between Indian
Foreign Minister Mubashir Javed Akbar and Syrian President Assad which
took place in Damascus on 20th August 2016 shows, the Indian government
instead openly and straightforwardly supports the government of
President Assad.

India has many reasons for supporting Syria and the government of
President Assad.  As Assad is reported to have said during his meeting
with Mubashir Javed Akbar, relations between the countries are
longstanding and they are accustomed to thinking of each other as

More importantly, India is as hostile to the “regime change” doctrines
that have been coming out of the West as Russia and China are, and as
indeed most of the world is.  Last but not least, India has its own
problem of Jihadi terrorism and is naturally sympathetic to a country
like Syria which finds itself waging a bitter war against the two most
powerful Jihadi organisations in the world: Daesh and Al-Qaeda (in the
form of its regional branch Jabhat Al-Nusra).

India’s support for Syria obviously cannot compare with that of
countries like Russia or Iran.  India neither needs nor is able to
intervene in Syria in the way that those two powers are.  Instead it
makes sense for India to sit back and let the Russians and the Iranians
do the heavy lifting in Syria whilst quietly reaping the benefits and
giving diplomatic support.

That is neither cynical nor improper but is merely good policy and –
despite a recent ramping up
(https://www.rt.com/news/356161-china-syria-military-training/) of
Chinese support for Syria – it is essentially what the Chinese have also
been doing.

The point however is that the Western narrative of a Syrian government
discredited by its war crimes that is isolated internationally is simply
untrue.  On the contrary all three of the great Eurasian powers  –
China, Russia and India – in their different ways support it.

The post CONFIRMED: India pledges support for Assad after meeting in
appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .

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