On 8/21/16, grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Recent talk in onionland seems to be indicating somewhere
> nearing 10,000 onions online, from spidering and whatnot.
> Are there folks here involved in such projects that can contribute
> further graphs, lists, categorization, and commentary?

Here's some recent info, you should be able to figure it out.

darkheroes 2

222222222 4
222222226 2
22222222a 2
22222222c 2
22222222h 3
auutwvpt2 2
blockchat 2
darkheroe 2
flugforum 2
flugsvamp 2
payshld4r 2
revforumb 2
thearmory 2

22222222 23
2222222a 4
alphabay 7
bitblend 6
bitmixer 3
blender3 3
blockcha 3
grams7en 4
hansamkt 3
milkroad 4
payshld6 3
pwoah7fe 3
silkroad 4

2222222 36
blender 30
payshld 18
pwoah22 9
pwoah2f 9
pwoah32 12
pwoah42 12
pwoah72 11
pwoah7f 9

222222 47
blende 30
btcfog 23
fogged 41
grams2 26
grams7 31
payshl 18
pwoah2 18
pwoah4 21
pwoah7 22
shield 22

22222 47
bitfo 12
blend 31
btcfo 23
crypt 12
fogge 42
grams 110
onion 12
paysh 19
pwoah 109
shiel 22

2222 56
blen 31
btcf 23
dark 16
deep 16
fogg 42
gram 110
hack 18
pays 20
pwoa 117
shie 22
wiki 16

222 57
bit 49
ble 31
btc 44
fog 44
gra 114
hac 18
pay 27
pwo 117
shi 24
tor 43

2ofe6 2
52fmu 2
6tvmk 2
bl5pi 2
emill 2
vc7bz 2

222222...5v 2
222222...ag 2
222222...bs 2
222222...ec 2
222222...pl 2
grams7...dl 2
grams7...ut 2
lchudi...jj 3
outfor...qr 2
pwoah3...ko 2
pwoah7...ul 2

grams...7wj 2
lchud...djj 3
lchud...qjj 2
silkk...mug 2

lchud...odjj 2

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