On 08/25/2016 02:08 PM, Sean Lynch wrote:
> ~9k left to go and 27 hours! I just plopped down another $1200 for the
> fully assembled laptop, so it's now $7675. Anyone else wanna chip in?

I would, if I could pay anonymously, and have it dead dropped in some
remote area for me to recover in a year or two ;)

> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 6:58 PM Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
>> Nearly out of time on this one - 85% of $150K funded, so last chance to
>> promote it.
>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 09:18:26PM -0400, Donald Robertson, III, FSF wrote:
>>> Dear Mr Zenaan Harkness,
>>> We wrote previously about [why you should support the Earth-friendly
>>> EOMA68 Computing Devices project][1]. It's built around devices with
>>> interchangeable parts, based on unencumbered hardware standards, and
>>> with a dedication to protecting and promoting user freedom. The
>>> project's decision to raise funds via [Crowd Supply][2] means that you
>>> can support their work with anonymous payments, and without the use of
>>> [proprietary JavaScript][3].
>>> [1]:
>> https://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/support-the-libre-tea-computer-card-a-candidate-for-respects-your-freedom-certification
>>> [2]: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68/micro-desktop
>>> [3]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.en.html
>>> As we wrote previously:
>>>> The Libre Tea Computer Card is built with an Allwinner A20 dual core
>>>> processor configured to use the main CPU for graphics; it has 2 GB
>>>> of RAM and 8 GB of NAND Flash; and it will come pre-installed with
>>>> [Parabola GNU/Linux-libre][5], an [FSF-endorsed fully-free operating
>>>> system][6].
>>> It's a device with a lot of potential, and purchasing one will help
>>> support the development of even more hardware that respects users'
>>> freedom. While we will have to make a final evaluation before granting
>>> [Respects Your Freedom certification][4], we have high hopes given the
>>> history of the developers involved and the details currently
>>> available.
>>> When we last wrote about the project, there was an outpouring of
>>> support, helping it get significantly closer to its funding goal (at
>>> the time of this writing, 85% there). But with just days left, we need
>>> to make one final push. Can you be the one to put the project over the
>>> top by [backing the Libre Tea Computer Card][2]? The final deadline is
>>> Friday, August 26th, so now is the time to act if you want to help
>>> promote the creation of devices whose software is fully under your
>>> control.
>>> [4]: https://www.fsf.org/ryf
>>> [5]: https://www.parabola.nu/
>>> [6]: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros
>>> Donald Robertson
>>> Copyright & Licensing Associate
>>> *Read online: <
>> https://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/only-a-short-time-left-to-support-libre-tea-computer-card-crowdfunding-ends-august-26th
>>> .*

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