On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 18:19:26 -0400
grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://www.crowdsupply.com/design-shift/orwl

        That looks interesting, too bad it's fully backdoored by design
        thanks to its intel processor.

        And the designers don't give a damn.

        "Why Intel? Isn’t x86 Considered Harmful?" 

        reply : bla bla - hand waving - bla bla - more hand waving.

        Actually it's not just hand waving - they even praise the intel

        "There are reasons everyone is using x86, even in the security
        community and in governmental agencies around the world:
        compatibility, performance, and security. " 

        self-parody at its best.

> In the end, I'd still rather have open fabs and chips
> than billions of secret transistors sealed in carbonite.
> Surely buying into any steps along the way can
> help move market think in that direction.

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