On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 04:59:16AM -0400, John wrote:
> On July 8, 2016 8:11:53 PM EDT, Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
> >Alex Jones says the media should not ignore Putin's warnings of
> Alex Jones is completely fucking unhinged.. he is occasionally right
> in the same sense that some one shooting at a barn occasionally gets
> off a good shot.

Well well well, Hillary Clinton decided to go to war with Alex Jones :D
:D :D

Now THAT speaks volumes about her (their) campaign self confidence etc.

Frankly, this is bloody hilarious:

** Hillary Clinton declares war on Infowars. Alex Jones fires back with
devastating Hillary video
By Alex Christoforou on Aug 26, 2016 04:07 pm
alex jones

Hillary Clinton fired the first shots, saying that Alex Jones claimed
‘no children’ died at Sandy Hook…even going off teleprompter script to
lament that Alex Jones has a “black heart.”


Alex Jones fired back at Hillary, and absolutely crushes HRC in an epic
video retaliation…connecting Hillary to Libya war crimes, Saudi Arabia
9-11 attacks, KKK collaboration, and even pulling up a video archive
where Hillary advocates building a wall to keep Mexican immigrants out
of the United States.

Alex Jones ends his reply saying,

“I know who you are.

I know the Klan financed you’re first campaigns, from the people that
were there. I know who you are, and as an American and as a patriot, I
am not scared of you bully.”


The Clinton campaign is in a tailspin. Going after Infowars in a
campaign speech is getting pretty desperate.

Playing the race card is also a clear sign that Clinton is loosing the
narrative, falling back on the standard liberal “you’re a racist”
argument, in an effort to deflect attention away from a constant barrage
of email scandals and corruption pouring over HRC like never ending

The post Hillary Clinton declares war on Infowars. Alex Jones fires back
with devastating Hillary video
appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .



(And an aside, Julian Assange stating the obvious:

** Julian Assange tells Megyn Kelly, ‘Hillary Clinton is in bed with
neocons, Trump is no Russian agent’
By Alex Christoforou on Aug 26, 2016 05:09 pm
assange kelly

This is part two of Fox News’ Megyn Kelly interview with Julian Assange.
You can find part one here.


Assange discusses how connected Seth Rich’s death is to the Wikileaks
DNC email leak…but most notably, Assange warns Megyn Kelly about
Clinton’s constant Russia warmongering…

“I would like to believe that -no organization- no media organization in
the United States, would not have published the DNC emails. But I don’t
think thats true actually.

I think MSNBC wouldn’t have published them. I think the New York Times
wouldn’t have published most of them. And that’s sad. It says incredible
politicisation in this election of the media.

And it is a bit concerning, the allegations, -that- by the Clinton
campaign, that everyone is a Russian agent, are really disturbing. Why
is that?

Well because, bizarrely, Hillary Clinton the Democrat, has -become- has
positioned herself now to be the security candidate. She’s palled up
with the neocons responsible for the Iraq war. And she’s grabbed on to
this kind of neo-McCarthyist hysteria about Russia, and is using that to
demonize the Trump campaign.

The Trump campaign has all sorts of things wrong with it, but as far as
we can see, being Russian agents is not one of them.”

The post Julian Assange tells Megyn Kelly, ‘Hillary Clinton is in bed
with neocons, Trump is no Russian agent’
appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .



(And for those who really want some self mutilation reading on the HRC

** Hillary Clinton’s Ceausescu moment. An American dictator’s
controversial speech
By Adam Garrie on Aug 26, 2016 05:46 pm
24 Nov 1989, Bucharest, Romania --- Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu
   speaks passionately during the closing ceremony of the Romanian
Communist Party's 14th congress in Bucharest, on November 24, 1989. His
wife Elena sits next to him (bottom left). --- Image by © Bernard

Hillary Clinton has delivered a speech that may well go down in the
annals of history as her Ceaușescu moment.

Whilst she got all of the terminology incorrect, Clinton’s attack on her
most critical opponents singled the fact that what I have called the
alternative-globalism has sent fear to the heart of the traditional
neo-liberal/neo-con globalist establishment.

She called all media which refuses to read from the BBC/CNN script the
‘alt-right’. This is an odd choice of words for several reasons.

First of all alternative media is comprised of and watched by
individuals with ideologies that can be described as both left and
right. There is no rigid ideological exam one must pass in order to
realise that mainstream media in the West twist information, tell
untruths and act as cover for a failing and corrupt political elite.

Secondly, the old definitions of left and right are in shift.
Neo-liberal globalism is as much of a source of continuation for those
concerned about cultural erosion and the attack on nation states as it
is for members of the global labour movement and those concerned with
international human rights.

The fact of the matter is, according to traditional definitions, Hillary
Clinton’s campaign is the most far right in modern American history.
Here’s why:
1. She has a total disregard for constitutional protections against
   presidential powers to wage illegal wars (according to both US and
   international law)
2. Her policy of regime change is an assertive hawkish policy which has
   total disregard for the lives of civilians, the sovereignty of
   foreign states, territorial integrity of the modern political map and
   the charter of the United Nations.
3. She has no time for individual rights and is a key supporter of the
   modern mass surveillance state.
4. She ruthlessly bullies her opponents and when that doesn’t work. she
   resorts to corruption and worse, only some of which has been exposed
   by Wikileaks…more is apparently yet to come.  Think South American
   style fascism in the second half of the 20^th century.
5. The principles of free speech, investigative journalism and
   whistleblowing; principles which helped expose the corruption of the
   Nixon government (which in hindsight is rather minor in comparison to
   what the Clintons get up to), are totally disregarded. Her threats
   against whistle blowers are disturbing indeed.
6. Her flippancy about the executions of foreign leaders sounds
7. Her fixation with ‘bringing down Russia’ would make even the biggest
   Cold Warrior a bit nervous.

And yet she calls herself the candidate of the left, somehow standing
against what she calls an ‘alt-right’?

The fact is that she is worried that Trump’s populist tone combined with
very centrist policies is exposing her campaign as one built around
failed policies which do not reach out to people.

Trump is far more anti-war than she is, Trump talks about jobs and
labour rights far more than she does, Trump speaks to the concerns of
ordinary people, whilst she makes it seems that the average American’s
biggest fear is concern with the existence of a man called Vladimir

She is out of touch in more than one way.

The biggest oddity in an odd speech was when she called Putin the
‘godfather’ of the ‘alt-right’.

Someone like Clinton, whose tactics with opponents are scandalous at
best and suspicious at worse shouldn’t really be making mafia metaphors.

The notion that Vladimir Putin is controlling everyone in the world who
opposes traditional globalism is farcical and since many in America
don’t even know a great deal about modern Russia, the constant
scapegoating of Putin is as stupid as it is ineffective.

The truth is that the global movement against corruption, against war,
against the treatment of whistle-blowers, against supranational
government, against systematic abuses of human rights,  is organic,
multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-lingual.

It shows the power of people and the power of ideas, liberated as they
are by new media, combining to say ‘enough is enough’.

The fact that Putin hasn’t condemned this does not imply some
conspiracy, it implies he is comfortable with the changing world he
lives in, unlike Hillary Clinton who is sounding more and more like a
robotic, monotonous Ceaușescu, addressing a crowed of his countrymen who
were fed up with him.

The post Hillary Clinton’s Ceausescu moment. An American dictator’s
controversial speech
(http://theduran.com/hillary-clintons-ceasescu-moment/) appeared first
on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .

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