On 08/28/2016 09:31 PM, Razer wrote:

> If all Hillary's people did was a standard cleaning, that WOULD BE
> amateur, and the data would be potentially recoverable. Bleachbit CAN do
> multipass Zero writeovers, but that's not the standard setting.

I have used bleachbit myself from time to time and it seems to perform
as advertised.  However, as far as I know there is no way to reliably
overwrite files on a mounted journaling file system.  Mostly overwrite
most of the time, yes, but in cases where one must be sure that no data
survives the process, other measures such as deleting the files that
have got to go, backing up the remaining non-deleted files and
overwriting the original file system from end to end would be required.

All those nit picking little details... ugh.  Just encrypt the whole
drive, and overwrite the key to destroy the data if/as needed.  Or
better yet, keep the key on a memory stick that can be tossed in a
volcano or so.


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