At 6:41 PM -1000 7/22/00, Reese wrote:
>All, as in _ALL_ members, past and present, or just present?  That 
>wasn't exactly clear, now that you say "*all*".  Backing them into a 
>corner is exactly what should be done, if they refuse to renounce 
>the past actions and their association with the Aum .org, whatever 
>name it is calling itself today.

For the sake of clarifying the issues, let us move the events to an 
American setting.

Suppose some members of a group, call it the Aphasics Liberation 
Army, APA, commit some serious, even heinous, crime.

Should all members of the ALA who do not "renounce the past actions 
and their association with the ALA" then be denied the right to 
enroll their children in taxpayer-funded schools and other things 
Kristen cited?

What new form of McCarthism are folks like Reese and Ernest Hua now supporting?

Last I checked, the U.S. Constitution doesn't say a damn word about 
my civil rights being lost because I refuse to take a loyalty oath or 
because I refuse to denounce some members of a group I may have once 
belonged to or may even still belong to.

I swear, Cypherpunks are some of the most politically ignorant people 
I've ever been in contact with.
>As you said, the story is incomplete.  Look before leaping, eh? 
>Take your paragraph above.  How could jya know that the japanese 
>would want the list taken down, before posting it?  Logic fault, 

Because he was communicating with his Japanese source, who knew quite 
well that the PSIA did not want this story aired.


There ought to be an I.Q. test before people are allowed to join the 
Cypherpunks list.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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