On Sat, 3 Sep 2016 14:41:52 -0400
grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [1]
> "The Cypherpunks mailing list is a mailing list for discussing
> cryptography and its effect on society."

        incomplete, and you didn't even provide a 'source' 

        plus, it's obvious that you haven't read the 1992 - ~1998
        archives of the list. 

> There are reasonable relateds within the realm of "cypherpunk" to
> include *its* computing, tools, privacy, surveillance, law, news,
> literature / art / society, hacking / making, organizations and
> projects, politics, tech, science, solutions,
> crime, etc, etc.
> The occaisional short lived foray under self regulation and restraint
> into untied topics of possible interest to readerbase might be
> considered ok, however NOT to the extent that it's been abused
> ongoing.
> If you're wondering why the "thousands" of people on the list
> aren't "analysing political philosophies" with you, it's because

        lol - so political philosophy is off topic? Because you say so? 

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