On 09/03/2016 01:17 PM, Xer0Dynamite wrote:
>> We are "anarchists" and we do what we want.
> Anarchy doesn't scale.  What will you expect with billion+ people
> without societal structure?  Watch World War Z and then Book of Eli to
> find out.

Anarchy is a beautiful dream. But it's unworkable, except in small,
self-selected groups. Basically, there are too many sociopaths. Maybe
about 10%-20%. Some are just mean, dishonest and violent. But for the
most part, they mind their own business. So they're not problematic. We
can live with occasional serial killers ;)

But the others, they seek wealth, power, and control. They become the
mafia, the feudal overlords, the government, the corporates. So unless
and until they are excluded or eliminated, anarchy is unworkable.

> The future will probably be some mix of Apocalypse and Enlightenment,
> with the latter growing over the former.  Some Judgement will happen,
> but unfortunately or not, it didn't come from the
> technologically-minded -- that Revolution got ***co-opted*** by CSS,
> Javascript, and Node.js.  Now collectively called "systemd" (in my
> warped mind).
> So how do the techno-literati take back the Net, just as the masses
> need to take back the Law?  For that, find the Business Plan at
> hackerspaces.org and read Zen Code.
> You may be seated,
> \0xDyamite

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