On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 11:32:07PM -0300, juan wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Sep 2016 19:14:07 -0700
> "Stephen D. Williams" <s...@lig.net> wrote:
> > 
> > /Churchill by Himself
> > <http://www.amazon.com/dp/1586486381/?tag=richmlang-20>/, 574:
>       https://mises.org/library/real-churchill
>       The Real Churchill0 2/27/2004 Adam Young
>       "With his lack of principles and scruples, Churchill was
>       involved in one way or another in nearly every disaster that
>       befell the 20th century. He helped destroy laissez-faire
>       liberalism, he played a role in the Crash of 1929, he helped
>       start WWI, and by bringing in America to help, prolonged the
>       war and created the conditions for the rise of Nazism,
>       prolonged WWII, laid the groundwork for Soviet domination,
>       helped involve America in a cold war with Russia, and pioneered
>       in the development of total war and undermining western
>       civilized standards." 
> disclaimer : the assholes at the mises instute are dangerous
> conservatives but sometimes they published some decent stuff, like the
> article above linked.

Juan, Juan, Juan! You should know that facts are frowned upon round here

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