2016-09-27 0:04 GMT+03:00 Steve Kinney <ad...@pilobilus.net>:

> In the context of the Cold War, now arriving at the boiling point due
> to the Bush/Obama Administration's belligerent posture toward Russia,
> the U.S. annexation of Ukraine via a (literally) Nazi proxy force
> makes strategic sense:  It was a destabilizing military and economic
> provocation against the Russian Federation, and has been followed by a
> massive conventional force buildup on Europe's eastern borders, adding
> pressure to the weight of U.S. controlled strategic nuclear assets
> that were /already/ present on that border.  These deployments must be
> countered, which ties up Russian military assets and reduces that
> country's force projection capabilities in North Africa and the Middle
> East.
> Russia's continuing support of the ethnic Russian enclave on Ukraine's
> eastern border also makes strategic sense:  It prevents full
> consolidation of power by the U.S. installed government, prevents
> routine deployment of East-facing U.S. controlled forces on the
> Ukraine/Russian border, and provides a potential haven for Ukrainian
> insurgents working against the government in Kiev.
> Crimea's value to Russia is self explanatory, and I do not recall
> hearing anything about the populace turning out to protest the orderly
> handover of power to Russia in preference to a U.S. sponsored gang of
> (literal) Nazis.  Rather the opposite, and I saw no evidence that the
> U.S. even /tried/ to retain Crimea.
> The "USA Number One!" mentality of comfortable Middle Class Amerikans
> makes sense of a kind: Their continued material prosperity relative to
> the former Working Class /does/ depend on global terrorism, enforced
> poverty, mass murder, cities reduced to rubble and refugee columns,
> etc. as the U.S. war of global economic conquest continues.  They
> deserve to see the same things happen to their own children and
> families, and if they continue to get their own way they WILL see that
> - - unless they happen to be closer to ground zero "on the day."
> Unfortunately, this cheerful little scenario involves dragging those
> /not/ responsible for all that human misery and heaped, dead burnt
> bodies down into the same hell.
> The real conflict here is not West vs. East or even USA vs. The Rest
> Of The World.  It is the human race, vs. its own parasitic ruling
> class and their faithful servants.  The parasites have already lost;
> if they do not surrender their power voluntarily (impossible),
> environmental limits enforced by the laws of physics will destroy that
> power (inevitable).  Now the only game in town is about reducing the
> final body count, which no rational scenario places at less than a
> couple of billion, and preserving essential long term survival
> resources for the survivors.  And that's where radical populist
> politics enters the scene.  Communication is vitally important in
> political warfare, and providing the best possible tools to Our Side
> is the mission that makes "cypherpunk" bullshit worth doing.

*thank you very much for this email!!!* THANK YOU! I will send it to all my
Russian brothers who speak English to show them.... a great example of a
Human Being from the bloody-fucken "West".
* (except the emails from Zenaan that i usually send them)

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