On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 12:19:21 -0500
Steve Kinney <ad...@pilobilus.net> wrote:

> Gene Sharp's description of the American Revolution provides an
> excellent example:  In brief, Sharp contends that the war was largely
> a matter of the Crown attempting to take its colonies back over from
> their residents, who had negated most Crown authority through large
> scale non-cooperation and the development of parallel institutions
> rendering the Crown's administration obsolete.

        Crass American Propaganda. There was no 'revolution', just a
        coup carried by the most corrupt 'aristocracy' aka oligarchy on
        the planet. 

> http://www.fragmentsweb.org/fourtx/dishist.pdf
> So-called revolutions that start with gunfire, end in Fascist police
> states 

        Or they start as a slave society, like the US, and remain a
        slave society for half its history, like the US, and then become
        a global fascist empire, like the US. 

>- because they are not revolutions so much as coups that kick
> out the old bastards to make way for new, worse bastards.  When they
> "succeed" that's normally due to backing by hostile foreign powers.

        That would be france backing slave owners jefferson and
        washington I suppose =)

> :o)
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