On 11/16/2016 08:19 AM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

> It doesn't do what you think it does.

Quite simply, you're wrong. But I guess it depends on your POV of what
you consider "Broken".

Unfortunately the shitstem repairs itself as soon as everyone stops
hammering on it.

We need more 'hammers', and people who don't turn their back as soon as
the oppressor they desired opressor (Carter, Obama, pick a blue faction
president) is elected. Democrat progressive liberals and Republican
Libertarians, the majority of IS libertards, are ABSOLUTELY part of the
problem, and closeted Fascists. Just ask anyone whose (formerly) lived
in a 'hipster gentrified' community.

> It does nothing to break the system. In Texas, if you voted for Stein, 
> Johnson, McMullin, or Mickey Mouse... you effectively voted for Trump and 
> made it that much more difficult to turn Texas blue.

I'll repeat something I KNOW I said on this list somewhere along the line:

I don't give a fuck about your "Blue" faction of the one party state
with an ideology of American exceptionalism, and global war as it's
economic basis.

Ps. Just gave this link <https://pando.com/2015/06/22/we-got-geeks/> to
someone researching the connection between a Google exec who lives
locally and a local anti-homeless hate group/gentrifier/property
development org.

I understand you work for Google. If you do, you're working for


> On 11/16/2016 10:12 AM, Razer wrote:
>> On 11/16/2016 02:53 AM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
>>> On 11/12/2016 02:41 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>>>> Quinn tried to explain you how the (North!) American elections work. 
>>>> It's pretty illogical, unfair and doesn't make any sense to the rest
>>>> of the world, but hey, it is _not_ his fault!  He was just trying to
>>>> help you, guy.  There was no sarcasm or lie in his message.
>>> Exactly. Sure, technically you can write in anybody and vote for anybody
>>> on the ballot. But the reality is, unless an overwhelming number of
>>> people vote third-party, it's just going to take more votes away from
>>> the second-place candidate and it's effectively a vote for the eventual
>>> winner. Doesn't matter if the votes are for Jill Stein, Gary Johnson,
>>> Evan McMullin, or Mickey Mouse.
>> You know... When people tell me voting for a third party does this or
>> that, or how it will break the system...
>> That's EXACTLY what I want.
> It doesn't do what you think it does. It does nothing to break the
> system. In Texas, if you voted for Stein, Johnson, McMullin, or Mickey
> Mouse... you effectively voted for Trump and made it that much more
> difficult to turn Texas blue.
>> What I'm wondering is how many people voted for the guy with the
>> little hands just to break the motherfucker, not because they thought
>> he'd 'do a good job'. Probably more than anyone knows.
> I'd like to know why there are so many stupid people in this country
> that actually thought Trump would be a good president.

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