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On 11/16/2016 11:19 AM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

> It doesn't do what you think it does. It does nothing to break the 
> system. In Texas, if you voted for Stein, Johnson, McMullin, or
> Mickey Mouse... you effectively voted for Trump and made it that
> much more difficult to turn Texas blue.

When the DNC deliberately sabotaged the Sanders campaign, using every
means necessary to assure Clinton's nomination, the Democratic Party
lost the Presidential election.  It's as simple as that.

The Democratic party just proved itself worse than worthless and less
than useless, except of course in the eyes of Progressive Liberals who
expect to gain personal financial advantages from NeoLiberal national
policy.  Even with Sanders, they could have kept and expanded their
personal sense of categorical superiority to anyone who is so
ignorant, bigoted, etc. as to disagree with them.

> I'd like to know why there are so many stupid people in this
> country that actually thought Trump would be a good president.

Show a Progressive Liberal a button labeled "Kill a random foreign
family to help assure your own children's future financial security,"
and not one of them would push it. But label that button "Obama and
Clinton's Foreign Policy Agenda," and they will pound that button
until their fingers bleed - but not as much as the children of those
same foreign families bleed.  They are still bleeding right now.

Democratic Party loyalists who take great pride in being more
intelligent, responsible, and better informed than "all others" don't
get a pass on the basis of ignorance.  If there is /any/ basis for
their posture of inherent superiority, the only explanation for their
behavior is that they are ruthless, vicious persons who heartily
endorse mass murder for profit, while quite deliberately lying to
themselves and others about that - with the kindly assistance of
bullshit packaged and fed to them by propaganda contractors working
the Left Wing audience.

In a contest between a loose cannon with no track record in public
service, and a tried, proven, effective public servant with a track
record of mass murder /and/ significant evidence indicating that she
takes childish delight in murder, who does a "stupid" person vote for?
 Either, go toss a coin; stupid people vote for propaganda images.
Who does an intelligent, educated, upwardly mobile middle class
Liberal vote for?  The proven killer, every time.  And when they lose,
they come up snarling.

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