> On Nov 19, 2016, at 2:10 AM, grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:14 PM, John Newman <j...@synfin.org> wrote:
>> wouldn't a bigtime drug supplier be interested in making political donations 
>> to politicians who declare themselves unalterably opposed to drug 
>> legalization?
> It would be by far the most logical use of a relatively small portion
> of his money
> No, because while illegality produces high profit, it's also
> high risk of jail / death. Lobbying instead for a legal
> regime of business friendly regulation (unfree trade, franchise,
> licensure, exclusive zoning, etc) can produce good profit at low risk.
>> why the
>> average person would even a.) give a shit what I (or anyone) puts in
>> their own body
> Even if completely legal and unregulated without a single
> drug production distibution sale posession law on the books,
> that production distribution sale process has a cost. Govt
> will not give drugs away for free. And even if walmart stocks
> them next to the cheerios and milk, consumer must
> still buy them. But crackheads don't have jobs, so they'll
> still either steal them raising your prices, or steal from you to
> buy them, and jack up your taxes to cover their addicted,
> public intox, no life caring about aids transmitting, ass in
> medical. Avg people don't like that.
> Legality quiets some of the messy aspects, but is
> nowhere complete solution without solving addiction
> and health. Go invent synthehol.

Heavy abuse of alcohol is just as destructive as heavy use of any other drug. 
For people that want help, I totally support it. Said "crackhead" would have 
far less negative societal impact if drugs were legal and cheap. And even 
assuming he does run half crazy and get himself in trouble for theft - I still 
don't support the government mandating what said "crackhead" can put into his 
own body. It's none of my business, it's none of your business, it sure as fuck 
isn't big brothers business. Your whole description and line of reasoning reeks 
of reefer madness style bullshit - no pun intended.

Also, they have invented "synthenol" - it's called MDMA ;)


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