> government mandating what said "crackhead" can put into his own body

Though I forgot to include 'use' law, it's clear I meant
a fully legal environment without any such drug laws.

> incarceration costs

You misread again, legal *drug* environment above has no such jail.

OP implied drug laws... not laws for theft, assault, vehicular,
or any other laws. All the latter laws are unlikely to be made
softer anytime soon due to innocence of 'brain disease'...

'People give a shit', even excluding whether or not they're on some
hate crusade or not, up to the point of enacting laws, whether
stupid laws or not... because what other people do does affect them,
directly and indirectly.

Just like filling the atmosphere with soot drops out on Greenland
warming ice raising your seas, in your lungs giving you cancer, etc.

> It could even be subsidized

Never said it couldn't, in fact more complete approach
involving addiction / health.
The tax hating anti staters here won't go for reallocating
any funds or subsidy.

> All your hyperbole about “no life caring aids transmuting ass”
> is just so much bullshit.

Regardless of if they're aware of support options or not, some will care,
others won't, or can't act on it, addiction is like that. No BS there.


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