On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 13:32:37 -0600
"Shawn K. Quinn" <skqu...@rushpost.com> wrote:

> I despise censorship 

        And thus the totalitarian quinn keeps trolling. 

> (just read the archives of the first blog in my
> sig) 

        Sonny, you won't get any clicks from me, but I certainly read
        the garbage you post here. Your posts in this list contain only 
        calls for censorship and general support for statism. 

> and I am frequently cited as the most anti-censorship guy among
> my various large groups of friends. 

        Sure. You are not trolling at this very moment. Your made up
        bullshit about your imaginary 'friends' is no doubt the
        ultimate proof of your anti-censorship credentials.

        Hsy, according to 'my friends' I am an alien from
        another galaxy. It is a fact because 'they' say so.

> I'm the first one to add PDF
> versions of banned books to my BitTorrent client to further any
> attempt to preserve them for the ages. Moderation is a completely
> different concept than outright censorship, 

        Oh yes. Moderation is not literally "outright censorship". It is
        "outright censorship" with a different name. No doubt the
        change of name makes it wholly different.

> and it is important to
> learn the huge difference.

        You no doubt are a Master of Hypocrysy. 'Teaching' people how
        to be intellectual frauds is not something that decent guys 
        do, though. But go ahead, keep enlightening the Cypherpunks - I
        wouldn't be too surprised if you get your censorship regime

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