On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 18:47:49 -0500
John Newman <j...@synfin.org> wrote:

> I don't support censorship, all your claims to the contrary ;) At the
> same time, I don't support people telling me how I can configure my
> own software on my own hardware whose network traffic I pay for.

        I "dully" note you  seemt to have ignored everything else I

> For instance, I don't consider locking my mail server down so it's
> not an open relay to be censorship (some people do - see toad.com).
> Trying to enforce software configurations I'm not interested in, on
> my shit, under any pretense, is fascism.

        As long as your hardware doens't carry other people's speech,
        The facscist/conservtive dictum "my network, my fascist rules
        for speech" remains just that however. A fascist dictum.

        Anyway, I agree that some traffic can be classified as outright
        spam, like, say, advertising posted by bots, but blocking that
        sort of traffic is not really what's been discussed here. 

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