On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 17:04:04 -0800 Razer <g...@riseup.net> wrote: > On 01/08/2017 04:49 PM, juan wrote: > > > It's funny how you ranted against 'science' > > I don't rant against science. I rant against it's rigidness in the > face of facts that should be altering it's formulation of facts, in > the interests of the people who write their grants and paychecks. > Industrial crapitalism.
Oh, I see that the burgeois conspiracy is really getting at you. On the other hand you are quite willing to use True Science to advance american corp-pentagon propaganda like you are doing here. (the evil arab terrists did it eh) I'm waiting for all the papers you and other lunatics like you wrote about the true cause of WTC7 collapse - JOO MUD MAGICAL RESONANCE. Come on rayser, share your science. Your discoveries are so amazing, you surely can get a few millions in grants which you can then send to cuba.