On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 17:28:45 -0800
Razer <g...@riseup.net> wrote:

> You're probably are racist enough to think "Sand Niggers" (note the
> quotes) aren't smart enough to coordinate an attack like 9-11.

        The fact that they can do it doesn't mean that they actually
        did it. You joo-amerikunts did it. 

        Notice also the if 'terrists' attacks were retaliation for what
        you joo-amerikunts do all the time, then there would be at least
        a real, big, terrist attack every week. Yet there are none. 

        What we see is a false flag attack every some years, to keep
        the sheep in line. 

> Did I
> mention that 9-11 truthers are typically also very very white, and
> very very closet racist?

        that coming from a theocrayic joo  - did I ever mentioned that
        you are your own, sorry, self parody? 

> Rr

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