From: Razer <>

 On 02/05/2017 12:07 PM, jim bell wrote:
     I think Razer, who was completely unwilling to define the difference 
between a mere conservative, and a "fascist", is displaying the same kind of 
obscure inconsistency in meaning.   
               Jim Bell 

>Whatever jackass. While the left or so-called left debates the ethics of Nazi 
>punching the Right is cheering the potential legalization of killing 
>protesters who block roads. GO FUCK YOURSELF. You're just more proof to the 
>world Libertarians are fascists.
 >I'll write this down ONE MORE TIME DUPLICATING THE RECORD because you're too 
 >fucking STUPID to look it up;
>Fascism cannot be conservative, using "American Tradition" as a benchmark,  
>because conservatives understand that some things, such as the internet, did 
>not exist at the time the US founders wrote the constitution and they MAKE 
>ALLOWANCE FOR MODERNIZATION in the documents and laws regarding it.
First, I did a search of my mailbox for "Fascism cannot be conservative", which 
presumably would find any prior CP comments that you made containing this.  I 
found nothing.  I then did a search for "Fascism cannot", and I still found 
nothing.  You claim you are "duplicating the record".  I don't see that.
"Fascism and it's idea of TRADITIONALISM would eliminate the internet because 
it 'interferes' with those documents.

Sorry, but this sounds like a wacky assertion.  A broad cross-section of the 
public in virtually every country supports the use of computer and networking 
technology, even extremists in all areas of political thought.  Indeed, a few 
years ago I read an article which explained that religions and churches were 
early adopters of the Internet, a fact which would not automatically be 
So, I think you are misusing and misrepresenting the idea of "traditionalism" 
and how it would apply to the use of technology.
Further, historically the application of the US Constitution to the First 
Amendment  (which literally only referred to  "speech" and "the [printing]  
press", the only forms of communication that existed in 1789)  has been 
smoothly been expanded to include the telegraph, the telephone, radio, 
television, fax, the Internet and email, texting.  I am not aware of any 
substantial minority of people who:
1.   Believe that the First Amendment doesn't cover those newer methods.        
 Or even more extremely,2.   Believe that such newer methods of communication 
should be shut down.
If your working definition (or, at least example) of a "fascist" is a person 
who wants to completely shut down the Internet, I doubt whether this collection 
of people exceeds more than 1% of America's population.  And I suspect that 
such a tiny minority would contain people from all parts of a political 
spectrum, not merely people you would refer to as "fascists".
Try again.

                    Jim Bell   

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