> On Feb 20, 2017, at 6:04 PM, jim bell <jdb10...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Razer <g...@riseup.net>
>> On 02/20/2017 12:45 PM, [somebody] wrote:
>> >Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden.  The 
>> press made that up.
> >No they didn't. They reported he implied... Bloggers claimed he was 
> >discussing a terorist incident:
> That's misleading.  Trump referred to SOMETHING.  

This is beyond ridiculous. What the fuck do you think he was referring to, the 
price of swedish meatballs? Of course he was implying that something to do with 
security had happened - stop pussyfooting around as if it isn't utterly 
obvious. It's all a big fucking joke anyway. He was referencing some FAKE NEWS 
(his and your own favorite word) from what is surely a MSM outlet, Fox, and 
also a segment that has been debunked.

Stop your libertarian pretense when you clearly love this orange fucking cheeto 
so much and defend him at every turn. I can understand why you hate the 
clintons but the election is OVER (Although someone needs to tell moron Trump 
that, he can't stop mentioning and lying about his victory, nor continuing to 
have his little feel-good rallies)

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