On 2/21/2017 5:13 PM, John Newman wrote:
You mean Trump spouts a line of utter nonsense that is quickly
denounced? Pretty much.

"James A. Donald" >> Denounced indeed - but the evidence that Trump spoke the truth and the
media lied and continued to lie just piles up, and up, and up.

As in the case of events in Sweden, so too in every other case where I
am familiar with the facts

On 2/22/2017 5:25 AM, John Newman wrote:
How about the 3million+ illegal votes he repeatedly brings up?

A reasonable estimate: Recall Obama calling upon illegal immigrants to vote. Unless millions of illegals were voting, would Hillary and Obama bother to go after their votes?

The reason that there "is no evidence of illegals voting" is that we are on the honor system. No one is allowed to look for evidence of illegals voting. There is absolutely no check to prevent them from voting, and no way of detecting it if they do.

His claim that his win was the biggest electoral win in decades?

In the electoral college, which is what he was targeting, it was. If we had a system where the largest plurality won, his campaign, and Hillary's would have campaigned differently. Hillary won the popular vote largely because she misjudged which states were in play. Trump had his ear to the ground, knew which states were in play, and she did not.

His claim the US murder rate is the highest in 47 years?

He was wrong - but the murder rate did show a dramatic increase under Obama, the largest *increase* in 47 years.

He said only 109 people were affected by his immigration executive order?

Not what he said.

Oh, an oldy but a goody - he NEVER made fun of the disabled reporter, right?

No, he never made fun of a disabled reporter - he has used that gesture in other contexts.

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