On 03/24/2017 04:16 PM, Cari Machet wrote:
> He comes from corporate lawyer land

Constitutional Lawyer land after a stint as a partner in a corporate law
firm. The firm that pretty much invented the poison pill defense against
hostile takeovers that destroy ordinary shareholder value, and jobs.


> /Greenwald practiced law in the Litigation Department at Wachtell,
> Lipton, Rosen & Katz (1994–1995); in 1996 he co-founded his own
> litigation firm, called Greenwald Christoph & Holland (later renamed
> Greenwald Christoph PC), where he litigated cases concerning issues of
> U.S. constitutional law and civil rights/.


> Money

Someone give you your computer Free rent, and food? Or do you live in a
doorway and use the public terminals at libraries to post your spew?

> Scahill said when he was offered cash to start the shit he did no
> research about omidar and basically was like ok i will take your $

All that matters is whether the publisher butts out and allows the
editorial staff the freedom to decide.

Ps. One of the other partners in that corporate law firm did this:

> /A paper in September 2015 uncovered a similar advantage enjoyed by
> certain traders called The 8-K Trading Gap,[13] showing that company
> insiders traded their company's stock on the open market and profited
> doing so during the 4-day window between when market-moving
> information is known by company insiders and when they are required to
> disclose it to the public in an 8-K filing.[14]//
> ////
> //Other research by Jackson has demonstrated The Effects of Usury Laws
> on Higher-Risk Borrowers,[15] by showing that when usury laws became
> enforceable, credit issuance declined for higher-risk borrowers. The
> implications of this evidence became central during debate around the
> merits and risks of peer-to-peer lending platforms such as Lending
> Club,[16] /

Moral of story (and I hope it's not too complex for simple minds like
you and the Argentine troll to understand):

Not all corporate lawyers answer to corporations.


> On Mar 25, 2017 1:08 AM, "juan" <juan....@gmail.com
> <mailto:juan....@gmail.com>> wrote:
> https://theintercept.com/2017/03/24/apple-says-it-fixed-cia-vulnerabilities-years-ago/
> <https://theintercept.com/2017/03/24/apple-says-it-fixed-cia-vulnerabilities-years-ago/>
>     for people who haven't been paying attention, the majority of articles
>     published by the intercept are garbage like the one linked above.
>     one would think greenwald being the founder and editor has some
>     kind of
>     responsibility for and control over  the government propaganda he
>     publishes.
>     notice that the majority of comments on the article are rational and
>     hostile to that sort of content - yet the intercept doesn't give a
>     fuck
>     notice also that the 'progressive' 'lefty' intercept is actually a
>     mouthpice for the flagship of american fascist corporatism, apple inc.
>     Perhaps hardly surprising if one takes into account that the intercept
>     is owned by paypal inc.

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