> On Mar 25, 2017, at 2:22 PM, Razer <g...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> On 03/25/2017 11:08 AM, John Newman wrote:
>>> On Mar 25, 2017, at 12:13 PM, Razer <g...@riseup.net> wrote:
>>> On 03/25/2017 08:40 AM, John Newman wrote:
>>>>> On Mar 24, 2017, at 7:08 PM, juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> https://theintercept.com/2017/03/24/apple-says-it-fixed-cia-vulnerabilities-years-ago/
>>>>> for people who haven't been paying attention, the majority of articles
>>>>> published by the intercept are garbage like the one linked above.
>>>>> one would think greenwald being the founder and editor has some kind of
>>>>> responsibility for and control over  the government propaganda he
>>>>> publishes.
>>>>> notice that the majority of comments on the article are rational and
>>>>> hostile to that sort of content - yet the intercept doesn't give a fuck
>>>>> notice also that the 'progressive' 'lefty' intercept is actually a
>>>>> mouthpice for the flagship of american fascist corporatism, apple inc.
>>>>> Perhaps hardly surprising if one takes into account that the intercept
>>>>> is owned by paypal inc.
>>>> It seems to me Greenwald & co. used the Snowden revelations for
>>>> self-enrichment to a very large degree. I guess you can argue all
>>>> day long about their intentions, but there is no doubt the Snowden
>>>> shit has been a massive gravy train for the journalists involved….
>>>> Not to say I would have stories put back in the bottle, obviously :P
>>> I'd say the Snowden Papers put The_Intercept on the
>>> continuation-of-publishing-viability 'gravy train' anyway. I haven't
>>> seen what @ggreenwald's tax returns look like so I have no way of
>>> judging his, or any of the staff's self-enrichment due to them.
>>> This article
>>> <http://frostsnow.com/glenn-greenwald-s-net-worth-is-8-5-billion-know-about-his-career-and-awards>
>>> claims his net worth was $8.5 billion dollars in 2013, before the
>>> Snowden papers fell in his lap, so it would seem he just doesn't need
>>> the money that much to swing in his hammock down in Brasil, and he was
>>> the founding partner of a law firm, not a cheap proposition, so his
>>> wealth likely precedes his publishing career. Further, according to
>>> Wikipedia he did his BA in Philosophy at GWU... NOT an inexpensive
>>> school to take a non-career-path Baccalaureate, so it would seem wealth
>>> was in the family before he ever had a career.
>>> Rr
>> Interesting, I had no idea Greenwald was a BILLIONAIRE - presumably born 
>> that way?
>> Or born with a lot of money and turned into more with legal career?
>> In any case, changes my perspective a little. have to do some digging ;)
>> John
> He certainly doesn't flaunt his wealth. I'm perhaps a little skeptical
> of the $8.5 billion figure but on the other hand net worth is an
> interesting calculation that can include intangibles and such.
> I think he was born into money. Wikipedia lists his parent's names but
> they don't have entries on site so it would take some digging to come up
> with biographical information.
> Rr

The article actually says 8.5 Million in the body of the piece -

"As per Forbes estimation in 2013, 49 year old Glenn is standing with a net 
worth of $8.5 million. This figure is supposed to have increased significantly 
since then."

And the first comment on the page says -

"You dummies have mixed up Greenwald's net worth with that of Ebay founder 
Pierre Omidyar, who had funded a joint venture with Greenwald. Omidyar is/was 
worth 8.5 billion."

So i am extremely dubious Greenwald is worth anywhere near 8.5 billion ;)

But the main link still has billion in the URL... maybe they made a
 correction to the body of the article?  

Still, 8.5M is a lot of money. But it's not ultra ruling elite money like 8.5B 


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