On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 02:35:52PM +1000, John Wilson wrote:
> Dear Zenaan,
> " that's what we expect from the government" is a statement that can't go
> unnoticed..........people are misled into think parliaments are
> government.............parliaments are NOT government........courts are
> government (attached explanation).........and we, if we only knew some
> history, must not shirk from demanding trial by jury to govern ourselves and
> our country from our courts.
> Therefore, you should have said, "that's what we should expect from
> ourselves". 

I agree with this. And well said, thank you,

(We work from existing reality, and dominant existing think.
There are alternative future utopias, some are easier to
approach than others.)

> Yours sincerely,
> John Wilson.

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