David Stockman On The Real "Shithole" - $40 Trillion & Counting...

Authored by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

You can call it the bleep-hole moment (per the Fox "family channel")
or the shit-hole moment (per the rest of the MSM), but what you can't
call yesterday's contretemps in the White House is evidence that
sentient adults are in charge of the Imperial City.

And, no, we are not getting down on the Donald for using a swear
word---nor are we trying to out race-card Don Lemon as to the obvious
implications of the President's crude phraseology.

Indeed, even prior to yesterday's outburst it was hard to deny that
Trump is a semi-literate bully and that he never got (read) the memo
on racial comity and respect. But we actually happen to think that
the Donald's potty-talk eruption resulted not from some dark place in
his mind and heart, but from sheer frustration as the intractability
of the immigration issue closes in on him.

What we mean is that neither party has its cards face up on the
matter----which goes way beyond the potential deportation of the
800,000 dreamers, chain migration, the diversity lottery and the
Wall. Underneath it all there is a brutal, raging political struggle
for dominance which is almost existential in import.

To wit, the sundry Dem caucuses want more immigrants, and the browner
the better, because it's their only route to electoral dominance. By
contrast, the hard core GOP immigrant-thumpers are desperately
attempting to hang-on to Red State rule in the face of the forbidding
demographic math of the white population---and the fact that not many
Norwegians want to come to America anyway.

It would not be too far-fetched to say that the partisan battle for
office is morphing into a racial-ethnic war.

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