On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 01:01:47PM +1000, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
> On 1/15/2018 11:48 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > You can call it the bleep-hole moment (per the Fox "family channel")
> > or the shit-hole moment (per the rest of the MSM), but what you can't
> > call yesterday's contretemps in the White House is evidence that
> > sentient adults are in charge of the Imperial City.
> You guys simultaneously claim these places are not shitholes, and also tell 
> us that they so absolutely horrible that
> we should not send criminals back to them, for to send a criminal back to 
> such a horrible place would be a violation
> of his human rights.
> If we bring in a hundred million voters from such places to live on crime, 
> welfare, and voting Democrat, America will
> come to resemble such places.

I happen to agree with you.

An unquoted quote from the article highlights the article's punch

  There is virtually no other way out of the giant fiscal trap that
  is now closing in on the Imperial City---even as going that route
  is also the only way to save America's constitutional democracy.

, however Putin has lead the way with writing off debt to NK,
Venezuala and others, and history shows us the 50-year debt
forgiveness jubilee system, not practiced by the federal reserve
central bankers for hopefully obvious (power hungry) reasons.

And so we readily see that with the mere stroke of a digital red pen,
any number of digits of debt can be written off.

The "problem" with such a write off for the USA oligarchs and bankers
is that this reset will massively change the existing power balance
in the world, in a way they (those currently in power) don't like, in
particular given that China and Russia are well placed to replace the
hegemonic US petro-dollar system with their own replacement system -
alternative swift, ratings agencies, futures contracts, oil and gold
exchange markets and a few centralized DCs to spike the interest,
it's a go go go go.

So now it's either a new world order which was not of their making
(not the one world bank and military system they wanted), or World
War 3.

I'm hoping for the former.

AND I'm hoping for this to happen before 100 million more immigrants
to the USA based on the 'opportunities' arising from the illegality
of drugs, and welfare handouts - the system is truly fucked up right
now, and needs to change, and will change, the only question being
how exactly this big change happens, and when.

Good luck,

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