On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 11:27:48PM -0300, Juan wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2018 20:50:46 -0500
> John Newman <j...@synfin.org> wrote:
> > “Gender identity law
> > a judge.”
>       sounds like bullshit. Changing your birth name was always a
>       bureaucratic mess and I actually doubt people ever tried it.
>       So I highly doubt you can now change your name or 'image'(what
>       the fuck is that even supposed to mean) easily. 
>       I can tell you however that last time I tried to buy a kilo of
>       caustic soda, the motherfucking scum at the shop didn't sell it
>       to me because I don't have a credit card. They want  ID AND
>       you can't pay in cash. Courtesy of the DEA and the local DEA
>       lapdogs. 

Oh they just want to track anyone making soap ... so if you're going
to clean up the Street, you better do so in the back alley :D

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