On 2018-09-24 05:34, juan wrote:
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 21:13:36 +1000
jam...@echeque.com wrote:

None of which changes the fact the building was designed to withstand
three hours of uncontrolled fire

        that is a fuckingly stupid lie that neither you nor agent fairbrother 
can provide a source for.


I have repeatedly provided the source, and here it is yet again.


"For this construction category, columns were required to have a 2 h rating as established by the Standard Fire Test (ASTM E 119); beams were required to have a 1½ h rating. The instructions to the bidders for the WTC 7 job were to bid on a 3 h rating for the columns and a 2 h rating for the metal deck and floor support steel, which corresponded to the more stringent fire resistance requirements for Type 1B (unsprinklered) construction."

> By confusing the rating of the fire protection with some "time to collapse" of a whole building you should be regarded as semi literate at best. Or as fuckingly dishonest.

If the columns holding up the building are only rated for three hours of exposure to fire, then some time not very long after three hours, they are going to stop holding up the building.

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