On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 00:04:09 -0700
Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> wrote:

> He just has his own conception of reality, and won't
> accept other perspectives ;)

        I let that pass the first time when you said 

>But Juan, you are so damn committed to being right.

        But two times is enough =)

        Are you truly missng the fact that you accuse me of wanting to be right 
while you do the exact same thing?

        Why on fucking earth should I 'accept' the 'perspective' of the likes 
of tazer, donald and agent fairbrother, who are not only promoting official 
propaganda, but pretending THEY are right?

        Do you really fail to see how ridiculous it is to point out that 
somebody is stubborn....while you STUBBORNLY have a different 'view' yourself? 



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