On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 06:00:21AM -0500, John Young wrote:
> By design of the internet nothing can be done on it that is not traceable, any
> suggestion otherwise by default sustains the fiction of untraceability.


> The current Joshua Schulte trial testimony by CIA witnesses continues to spew
> disinformation about this, as if the prosecution has been initiated to delude
> internet users, mavericks, hackers, coders, administrators, programmers,
> developers.
> In February 11 testimony a CIA witness claimed 120-150 agency developers were
> busy coding malware for deployment.

Replaced Vault 7 already no doubt..

> Schulte lawyer questioning CIA witness:
> "Q. And malware is just a way to infect another system, correct?
> A. Yes.
> Q. How many developers were there developing malware?
> A. I would say probably 120 to 150."
> https://documentcloud.org/documents/6775056-20200211.htm (pages 20-21)
> To be sure, CIA officers lie, spread disinfo, swear to tell the truth, run
> misleading prosecution operations, run leak sites and anonymizers, post to
> mail lists, inundate social media, groom informers, pay bribes, coerce
> resisters into betraying associates, hire the most vociferous opponents,
> implant bullshit on Wikipedia and Wayback, issue distortionate books, film,
> tv, theater, so forth. Git, Full-Disclosure, Dark Web, alternatives to
> internet as watering holes, stings, recruitment hangouts, why even this very
> cess pit. Trust us.

Fair point.

This is a personal intention and your thoughts prompt "who is my adversary?", 
the answer being "the possible manifestation of the threat of legal injunction 
in an Australian court" (obtained by an evil SOB who's a dangerous child in an 
adults body and has caused much financial harm to many people).

That's the specific threat model.

This could apply to others in other jurisdictions.

So long as a blog entry is under the blogger's control, the blogger is under 
potential legal (injunctive) threat - i.e., the threat of a legal injunction to 
"remove that blog!"

Thus the concept "one way blog", where every change (or "deletion") simply 
creates a new blog entry, and does not delete any old entry.

And to escape $LOCAL_LEGAL_JURISDICTION, the blog should be auto-mirrored to 
various disparate, multi-polar jurisdictions.

The blog content being "(generally) statutorily lawful and factual material, 
which a private individual may personally object to in such a way as they are 
motivated to try to obtain an Injunction from a $LOCAL_COURT.

A one way blog should mean that at worst the Australian blog can be "updated" 
(with a new or replacement blog entry), or taken offline completely, and yet 
the additional duplicates around the world remain, outside of reach of local 

Nothing embarrassing to the empire, so no helo-gunships.

Possible names:

  - one way blog

  - speak your facts

  - one way facts

  - facts don't lie

  - true news

  - bloody nasty muffas exposed


> At 05:31 AM 2/13/2020, you wrote:
> > Anyone know of a Tor site which is basically a blog site, but effectively
> > only allows additions of documents, attachments and pages (sort of like
> > git stores all history) - perhaps based on git?
> > 
> > This is sort of like a wikileaks, but unfiltered/ unadjudicated, and also
> > not for any government or corporate "leaks", just for a few folks who wish
> > to speak publicly on their private views and opinions, without being able
> > to censored after the fact, and with verifyable identity (e.g. by signing
> > git tags, which can then be verified by viewers of the blog, or at least
> > by those who git clone it)?
> > 
> > Also, re dark web, Tor is presently "the only readily installable option"
> > - so this needs to be an onion site/blog, so most folks can "just install
> > TBB and view the site".
> > 
> > Short of such a "dark web one-way Wordpress", anyone personally familiar
> > with actually deployed (floss) software to do such a job (please no PHP)?
> > 
> > TIA,

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