One way blogs - OWBs:

Important points:

  - OWBs are, due to present tech, not anonymous.

  - They simply provide the possibility that something you write or
    some document (say an Affidavit) that you upload, cannot be
    easily attacked by a non-state actor, primarily by virtue of
    being replicated into a few 'foreign' statutory jurisdictions,
    and due to the contract, and default tech policies in place in
    the infrastructure of OWBs.

  - During normal operation of an OWB node, the only pages or
    documents that would ever be removed (for THAT node) would be
    those under an injunction to be removed by a $LOCAL_JURISDICTION

  - Which gives the thought that a blog creator might be provided an
    option to self-assess the nature of his blog as to its content,
    in particular so that nodes in other jurisdictions can choose to
    only auto-mirror content which is lawful in their own local
    jurisdiction - this might even be needed for (no tech) folks to
    be comfortable with deploying an OWB node.

  - Arguably it could be considered implicit that any OWB blog page
    could potentially come under court injunction to be removed (in
    local jurisdiction) - and this is the foundation cause of the OWB
    concept - however this doesn't really add much since this is
    true of all media published everywhere anyway, although naming
    this concept AS a foundation cause, might help steer folk's'
    thoughts in this direction, which might be useful to their
    conscientiousness around their speech and their rights in
    relation to speech.


Most folks these days use FaceBook or Twitter as their blog platform
to "talk to the world", e.g. by creating a FaceBook "Group", and also

The problem with these legacy platforms is that they censor, ban, and
shut it down if you get a little too popular or some "lefty" complains.

Could an auto-mirrored multi-jurisdictional platform be more
censorship resistant "for Joe Bloggs"?

Is it worth creating?  Depends on the effort I guess...

The infrastructure is probably something like:

  - a VM/VPS
  - ssh
  - git
  - user db
  - sync scripts, push and/or pull depending on peer conf
  - OWB software/platform
  - tor
  - web server to deploy blog as .onion html site

and the only parts to develop are the sync scripts, user db and
OWB stuff.


  - rsync

  - git push/pull

  - custom jobs or bundles, say each new blog entry (or update)
    becomes a bundle (possibly with a separate descriptor/meta file
    if that's useful to assist sync rules) which can be pushed or
    - multiple bundles can be streamed
    - this sounds an aweful lot like a deficient git, most custom
      such things needs to really need to have a clearly defined
      benefit over the status quo (git) to be worth doing at all


  - If it becomes a popular "media/blog" platform, say when the first
    "one way blog" goes viral in the face of a $LOCAL_JURISDICTION
    failed shut it down attempt, potentially 10s or thousands of
    bloggers might find themselves inclined to deploy/use it.

  - Anything on such a scale (not wikipedia scale, but certainly not
    small) wants to be not bound into a single git repo.
    - So per-blog or per-user "blog sync repos".
    - This also facilitates "archival" of older/ inactive blogs - we
      only want to sync active blogs, i.e. those with updates.

  - I'm familiar with the git remotes rules for bidirectional sync,
    which can also be made to work for more than 2 peers.

  - I'm not yet particularly familiar with git subrepo/ submodule/

    Let's say this gets to say 500,000 OWBs after a few years of
    popularity - how do we minimize the pain of getting to that
    point?  What technical/ design choices do we need to make today
    to make such a target reasonable?

One way blogs:

  - provide ready links to earlier versions of a page (like a wiki,
    but make sure it's impossible to "bury" old pages)

  - provide ready access to mirrors, say an entry page which does
    nothing but link to say a random mirror

  - should be mutually supportive - if the peer I normally use to add
    a blog entry is down, any other node should allow me to log in
    and add an entry to my blog, which should then turn up on other

  - permalinks?

  - clearnet links can be provided with ".ws" onion extension - i.e.

    But does this just delay pain in a not useful way - i.e. is it
    better to just push all users and readers to use TBB from the

    Also, for example, last night I did a dark web search and found
    four links to dark web hosting of one or another sort - the 2 I
    clicked on (within TBB) each went to the .ws site;
    as a brief test I deleted the ".ws" and neither site came up -
    tried this a few times then tried "new circuit" - nothing!

    So those 2 sites came up on the ".ws" version of the onion, but
    not on the onion version of the onion site.

    Such inconsistent experience is effectively an attack vector -
    sort of like a crypto algorithm downgrade attack, but it's an
    "access visibility attack" (to reduce the relative privacy/
    plausible deniability when reading or adding to a blog).

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